Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Photography Course in Liverpool

Photography Course in Liverpool Where Can You Take Photography Classes in Liverpool? ChaptersLearn from a Professional PhotographerPhotographic Societies in LiverpoolTake Photography Classes at the City of Liverpool CollegeLearn Photography Skills OnlineAs a native Liverpudlian, can you name three picture-worthy sites in and around our city? How about outside of city limits?In fact, The Pool has so much to capture on film or memory card that a tourists' typical week's stay would not be nearly enough to see and snap even the most popular sites!From the world famous Victorian Gardens to our gorgeous Cathedral, it is no wonder that tourists flock to our city â€" and it would be a sure bet that everyone brought their camera!Even those who come for the Merseyside derby take their fair share of snaps, if only to load them on social media.No matter why you wield your camera, the fundamental reason for seeing the world through a viewfinder is to capture noteworthy sights and memorable moments.If said sights and moments are indeed worth capturing, wouldn't it be worth your wh ile to learn how to do it well?Even if you have substantial experience behind the lens, as an advanced photographer, there is still much to learn... especially considering technological advances in the art of photography!Let us now find photography courses  in and around Liverpool, for commercial photography as well as for the sheer passion of it. Check out this blog for photography classes around the UKOr if you're in Scotland, our article on Glasgow photography courses may be of interest.Settling on a specialty before taking lessons will help you advance as a photographer Source: Pixabay Credit MeditationsYou can take extra online photography courses here. an event for every meeting save on holidays.Although there is no annual membership fee, there is a charge of £4 per meeting.That gives you the freedom to attend only those workshops and lectures that interest you without paying for sessions not targeted to your focus.What we love about this club is the flexibility it offers: in fees, scheduling and diversity of photographic learning material.We are not so keen on is the limited practical nights.Only three times per season are the cameras actually used: to photograph models, or commercial photography subjects â€" still life or a product.Find a photography course in Cardiff!Many photography clubs sponsor competitions: you could participate! Source: Pixabay Credit: rawpixelSouth Liverpool Photographic SocietyFounded sixty-five years ago, this fun faction of photographers have embraced digital imaging, but still welcome fans of film photography.Nearly forty years after their inception, they incorporated with The Pool's oldest, most venerated photographic society, thus embracing more than one hundred and sixty years of amateur and professional photographic excellence.They offer a year-round syllabus, including a summer programme to display your holiday snaps, which runs from July until September.On Sundays, they host The Improvers' Group workshops, where you c an exchange tips and ideas with other photo enthusiasts.What we really like about South Liverpool Photographic Society is its tradition and history, and a varied syllabus: a different activity for every meeting.What we don't like is the lack of transparency: the charter itself proclaims that fees are determined on a meeting or situational basis.While it is always a good idea to discuss your hobby/passion with those of similar interest, perhaps you would like to get a more formal education in the art of photography.To find photography clubs in Manchester, take a look at our article!Take Photography Classes at the City of Liverpool CollegeEstablished in 1992 from a consolidation of four separate campuses, the City of Liverpool College offers a Level 1 photography course to anyone who wishes to learn about:CompositionISO â€" the sensitivity of your camera's image sensorAperture and Shutter applicationIntroduction to PhotoshopDuring this ten-week engagement, you will learn everything ab out your compact or SLR camera, and will be called on to prove your knowledge by submitting a project as your final exam.The cost for these twice-weekly evening lessons is £220, not including course materials, and you must provide your own camera.If you haven't yet invested in a camera, you might borrow one, until you can learn more about what you want in a DSLR camera.And, until you have decided on a specialty!The commercial photographer uses different equipment â€" camera bodies, lenses and filters than, say, someone adept at night photography.Therefore, you may want to wait until you are more advanced in learning photography before spending any money on photographic equipment.In this course, your instructor will detail the pros and cons of various camera models and types, from compacts to ones with all of the bells and whistles, during your first lesson.You could always expand your knowledge about photography training by taking it to the next level in a more advanced course.Surp risingly, inexplicably!: formal photography programmes seem rather limited within Liverpool. However, you can obtain a Level 3 certificate or a BA Honors degree  online,  through distance learning.If you'd like to do the same in London, click here to read about photography courses in the capital.You too could master the art of digital photo editing online! Source: Pixabay Credit: hpv2011Learn Photography Skills OnlineUniversity for the Creative Arts offers a degree programme online, a path to professional photography that you can complete as quickly as you'd like.These courses operate under the premise that everyone is a novice at digital photography, and takes you from the camera basics, all the way through technical and analytical skills needed to compose and shoot subject matter.Their programme is modular, meaning a student could select, from among the vast series of learning units, which topics pique his creative and intellectual curiosity.As for specialising: the modular concep t permits mastering only of the type of photography you intend to pursue as a career.If you love travel photography, for example, you would select nature and wildlife photography study modules, and reject fashion or food photography.As you move closer to your degree, your tutor would more intently support you in creating challenging work, to reflect your advanced photography skills and mature eye for composition.As you progress in the art of photography, your instructor will help you develop your visual storytelling capabilities.University of Creative Arts is highly ranked by the Guardian University League tables, and for good reason!Its relatively low cost, coupled with student satisfaction â€" both with teaching methods and study materials, makes this online institute of higher learning a fine choice.Especially for those who do not have access to a photography study programme that is within commuter distance from their home.If you really prefer studying at home, you could always e ngage a Superprof tutor.Superprof has more than 700 qualified teachers of photography to instruct you through  online photography courses, via webcam, in the comfort of your own home.Are you a film photography fanatic who is hesitant about going pro with digital equipment?Conversely: were you spoon-fed on digital but now wish to master film photography and developing?Have you only ever played around with compact digital SLRs but are looking to trade up to a more complex model of camera?For all of these instances and more, Superprof has a tutor for you!With all of the tourists taking pictures around our fun city, with so much a photographer could capture â€" on film or memory card...With the knowledge that Liverpool, herself historic, has so many visual treats to offer: doesn't our city nearly beg you to take photography lessons?And now, you know where and who you can learn from!If Liverpool is too far away, reading about photography classes in Birmingham might be useful.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Online Double Box and Whisker Plot Tutors

Online Double Box and Whisker Plot Tutors We can define box and whisker plot is a pictorial representation of a five number summary. We know the box lies in between first quartile and third quartile. We know box and whisker plot is useful to learn how the data is spread. We know its easy to understand the graph. We have formulae to find the quartiles, those are Example1: Peter and Emily surveying the time it takes the average employee to arrive at company from home. Some employees drive their own car and some of them came by cab. The collected data is Use the double box and whisker plots to compare the times it takes for employees to arrive at company by car or by cab. Solution: From the above table, we can write the following. The number of cars arrives at company in 11 minutes The range of car time = 17 8 = 9 minutes The range of the cab time = 32 12 = 20time for the car is lesser than by car Since the range for the driving Since the range for the driving time for the car is smaller, it means the times to arrive by the car is less spread out.

What Jobs Can You Do with a Creative Writing Degree

What Jobs Can You Do with a Creative Writing Degree All You Need to Know about Employment and Jobs after a Creative Writing Degree. ChaptersThe Skills You’ll Learn in a Creative Writing Degree.Jobs You Can Get with a Creative Writing Degree.You can probably hear the response from your parents already, if you are thinking about telling them that you want to do a degree in creative writing. ‘But, love’, they’ll say, ‘what about the employment prospects?!’.It’s always a bit of a downer when you feel like your folks are standing in front of your dreams, thinking just about money when all you want to do is to learn how to be a professional writer. But maybe they are right â€" just a little bit at least: maybe it is worth thinking just a bit about what your undergraduate degree program will offer you in terms of future possibilities.Because the sad thing about creative writing courses is that not everyone goes from their writing program straight into a cushty book deal. Not even everyone at the end of a creative writing course wants to keep being a creative writer. And others, unfortunate as it may sound, will just not have the talent or determination to fight for their work in the publishing industry.So, as much as it pains us to say it, maybe you should listen to your parents for a moment. Because it is well worth thinking seriously about other options after your degree.And luckily enough, there are many of them. From a professor to a librarian to an editor â€" or to something completely different entirely â€" there is a wealth of opportunities out there for you and your creative spark.In this article, we’re going to have a look at what they are. You can check out our article on how to develop your creative writing for more!What is creative writing? Find out in our article!Jobs You Can Get with a Creative Writing Degree.Given the transferable skills that the arts of fiction writing, poetry writing, screenwriting or scriptwriting actually boast, it should be no surprise that there in fact plenty of jobs around that are screaming out for the abilities of creative writers.So, if yo ur writing career seems not to be going so well after your creative writing major â€" or if you lose your interest in the field â€" remember that all is not lost. There is plenty you can do with your writing work beyond writing poetry.A Poet, Novelist, Playwright, Screenwriter: A Creative Writer Proper.So, it is the dream that everyone starting a degree in creative writing has: they will leave as a bachelor of arts and start playwriting full-time, start writing fiction, start adding their name to the list of the great figures in British literature or American poetry â€" or whatever it might be.And yes, this is absolutely possible for those with talent and the desire to work hard to hone their craft of writing. Honestly, everyone is publishable: it is just depends on how much you are going to work for it.Find out the key features of creative writing!A Creative Writing Tutor or Professor.Then there is the option of turning the tables and getting a different perspective on the classroo m itself. Having graduated as a student of creative writing, why not work to become an academic in the field yourself?To do this, you will need to reinforce your arts degree with a masters and a PhD â€" and it would help if you had some published work yourself.However, teaching the writing classes and writing programs that you yourself experienced is a great way to use your writing qualifications.Technical Writer and Copywriter.Not all writers are called ‘creative writers’, even when the vast majority of writers use at least a little bit of creativity in their work.Technical writing, for example, is the work that goes into all the texts that we take for granted: the user manuals, the niche-specific texts that require serious, particular knowledge.Meanwhile, copywriters are those people who work with words in advertising. When you are writing for marketing campaigns, online creative content, or brochures, you are copywriting. It is a varied, fulfilling, and interesting career pat h for creative writers.  Journalist or Columnist.You’ll know about journalism â€" and you may well have considered it as one of the writing careers you were ready to pursue.This field is largely split into two subcategories: being a reporter and being a columnist â€" and the two channels require different skills and focuses.As a columnist, the only prerequisite is experience: that the editor likes your writing style and content. However, to be a reporter, you probably will need further training â€" as it is a bit of a different game.Magazine or Fiction Editor.Whilst a lot of people think that editors are just failed writers, this is not true or fair really. Editing requires something of a different skill set to writing â€" and it needs a different way of looking at literary texts.Whether you want to work for a literary magazine or for publishing houses, editing is a very well-respected profession â€" and one that will be very rewarding for you too.Librarian.Librarians are some of the most underrated specialists and professionals around. They have specific skill sets and dedicated training; it is not just sitting around stamping books all day.Having said this, librarianship is a great career path to pursue if you love literature but have had enough with creating it yourself. In fact, librarians need a deep and broad knowledge of books, their histories, and their classification.Don’t underestimate librarians any longer!Work in Comms or PR.As we said, there is a real demand for employees with skills in storytelling and audience engagement in the world of employment these days. Someone who can spin a yarn that draws attention and brings people in is a skill whose power cannot be underestimated.Working in communications and public relations is about managing, maintaining, and boosting the image of organisations in the eyes of the public. And being able to tell a good story is crucial among this.Work in Social Media.Like copywriting, work in social media is abou t selling an image, brand, or product through text, image, and video. And, like copywriting, it requires an ability to play with language and create intriguing posts, as much as it does a knowledge of the technical aspects of online.Working in social media is fun â€" and it can be a great use of your creative writing degree.Thinking Outside the Box.Finally, it is worth saying that the world is no longer based on career paths that spread forward from childhood and never change.People are these days working in fields that have nothing to do with their degrees at all â€" and they are flourishing. Employers take on people of all different types of skill.So, if none of these jobs above tickle your fancy, do something else. What is stopping you?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

10 Preparation Tips for the TOEFL Oral Exam

10 Preparation Tips for the TOEFL Oral Exam The TOEFL oral exam contains 6 tasks and lasts 20 minutes.These tasks are either independent or integrated. Independent tasks demand descriptions and references to experiences and  opinions while integrated tasks involve reading  a passage and listening to a recording and then talking about  them afterwards.Here are some tips to help your preparation for the TOEFL1. Start With What Interests YouDo you love traveling? Are you a music buff? Then start off by learning how to talk about these topics. When you talk about what interests you, the language generally flows.2. Brush Up On Current AffairsWhat are the main issues affecting the world today? It’s a good idea to have knowledge and an opinion about what’s going on in the world around you. This could be one of the topics of conversation in your TOEFL speaking exam.3. Learn Idiomatic Expressions and ProverbsIt’s very impressive when an English student is familiar with idiomatic expressions and proverbs. Just make sure you know h ow and when to use them properly!4. Have a Strong Collection of AdjectivesOne of the best signs of fluency in an English student is when he/she uses a variety of adjectives. Rather than saying we had a nice time and a nice lunch at the fair, you can say we had a wonderful time and a delicious lunch at the fair. This better expresses how much you enjoyed the event and also shows a greater command of English.5. Learn How to Introduce New IdeasThere is a wide range of connector words to express a change or development of ideas. These include on the other hand, however, conversely. A rich collection of these is also helpful for the exam.6. Answer The Question AskedIt is very important you answer the question asked. Listen carefully because the words you need to answer are contained in the questions. If you are asked did she? you will need she did/she didn’t. If you are asked would you, you will need I would or I wouldn’t. 7. Brush Up On Your TensesFor your oral exam you will need to prepare past, present, future and conditional tenses. Again, pay attention to the questions and identity the right tense to use before you answer each question.8. Don’t Learn Off Reams Of Text It might be tempting to learn entire passages by memory but don’t do it, you might end up answering questions you are not asked! It is also very obvious to examiners when students do this.9. Speak ClearlyIt might be difficult if you are a soft-spoken person by nature but try to say your answers as clearly and assertively as possible. You want the software to register your answers!10. Speak With Native SpeakersThe best way to prepare for your TOEFL English exam is to converse with native speakers. If you don’t have friend or willing colleagues who fall into that category we’d be happy to help!Click here to learn about TOEFL preparation classes. First class is free!Did you find this blog helpful? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

Five Common GRE Practice Problems Explanations

Five Common GRE Practice Problems Explanations GRE/MAT Graduate School Blog The GRE includes verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing question types. Today, we will be going over 5 practice problems that fall under these three categories. Question 1 â€" Select two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning. After being bedridden for months, James found that his muscles had atrophied, which initially ____ his ability to walk or life heavy objects. belittled castigated hampered bolstered curtailed improved Background: This question falls under the verbal reasoning portion of the GRE and can be categorized as a sentence equivalence question. These question types generally have a single sentence and will ask you to choose two answers to fill in the blank. The end goal is to find two answer choices that will ultimately lead to the same meaning when inserted into the sentence. As MajorTests states, both choices must be right; there is no credit given for getting only one choice correct.This question type is fairly common. Analysis: To find the correct answer here we need to analyze what the word in the blank’s purpose is. Here, the word will describe the manner in which James will now walk since his muscles have atrophied. We can assume that the answer will entail that he cannot walk very well, so we are looking for words with a negative connotation here. Stepping through each answer choice, ask yourself whether it is positive- if so, cross it out. This leads us to crossing out D and F. Out of the remaining answers, the only ones that make sense in this situation are C. hampered and E. curtailed. These are our answers. Question 2 â€" In parts of the Arctic, the land grades into the landfast ice so ____ that you can walk off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea. permanently imperceptibly irregularly precariously slightly Background: This question falls under the verbal reasoning portion of the GRE as well and can be categorized as a text completion question type. The goal here is to choose the answer that, when inserted back into the sentence, would most accurately complete it. These vary from one-blank to three-blank questions and overall there will be roughly6 questions on the exam. Analysis: Here, we must look for the word that informs us of how the land grades into the ice. Step through each answer choice and determine which one describes the phenomenon of the land grades moving into the ice that results in you being unaware of being over the hidden sea. Answer choice A, permanently, would complete the sentence but it fails to explain the phenomenon in question- so this is not our answer. Answer choice C, irregularly, also would complete the sentence, but yet again fails to explain how. Answer choice D, precariously, does not seem to explain the how as well. Answer choice E, slightly, does not work if inserted into the blank as the rest of the sentence would not make sense. Therefore, Answer choice B, imperceptibly, is our correct choice as this is explaining how this is occurring â€" that you are unaware of the land grading into the landfast ice. 3 â€" A certain jar contains 60 jelly beans â€" 22 white, 18 green, 11 yellow, 5 red, and 4 purple. If a jelly bean is to be chosen at random, what is the probability that the jelly bean will be neither red nor purple? 09 15 54 85 91 Background: This question falls under the quantitative reasoning section of the exam. Within each section you will find anywhere between 1 to 2 of this type of question. Analysis: To determine how many jelly beans will be neither red nor purple, you first need to determine how many jelly beans there are total and how many of these are not red or purple. There are 5 red and 4 purple, therefore we have 51 jelly beans that are neither red nor purple. To determine the probability of this, simply divide the number of jelly beans that are neither red nor purple (51) by the total number of jelly beans (60). This gives us 0.85, so D is the correct answer. Question 4 â€" Working alone at its constant rate, machine A produces k liters of a chemical in 10 minutes. Working alone at its constant rate, machine B produces k liters of the chemical in 15 minutes. How many minutes does it take machines A and B, working simultaneously at their respective constant rates, to produce k liters of the chemical? Background: You will notice that there are no potential answer choices given here, that is because this is a numeric entry question. In these question types you will have to enter your answer into a box. Be careful to note that you must type it in correctly and if asked to round, that you have rounded it in the manner which was asked. There will be around 4 of these per section. For more practice, GRE Prep Club has a helpful list of numeric entry questions and answers. Analysis: Here we are told that the machines are working simultaneously, so to determine the rate at which they produce k liters of the chemical you must take the sum of the two: k/10 + k/15 = k. Simplifying this we get k/6 liters per minute. In order to determine the time, you then divide the amount k by the rate we found above, k/6. This gives us: k/k/6 = 6. The answer is 6 minutes. Question 5 â€" The Analytical Writing portion of the GRE has its own question types that fall within this category. There are two separately timed parts: (1) analyze an issue and (2) analyze an argument. The first, analyze an issue, has a variety of possible prompts. One such example is the following: “A nation should require all students to have the exact same curriculum until they enter college. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.” The best approach to an “analyze an issue” question type is to organize your thoughts on the issue and craft a well-thought out and organized analysis. In this question, first determine whether you are going to agree or disagree with the statement. Once you choose you stance on the issue, make a quick bullet point list of statements in support of your argument. For example, if you chose to agree here you could make a point to discuss that this would ensure that the college admissions process would be an even-playing field as everyone’s GPA would be reflected from the same level of classes. Find 3-5 points to make and provide reasoning as to why for each. Ensure that you have addressed every issue that the question asks of you, and always wrap the argument up with a proper conclusion. The second question type, analyze an argument, also has a variety of potential prompts. Here is an example of one: “The following is a memorandum from the business manager of a television station: Over the past year, our late-night news program has devoted increased time to national news and less time to weather and local news. During this time period, most of the complaints received from viewers were concerned with our station's coverage of weather and local news. In addition, local businesses that used to advertise during our late-night news program have just canceled their advertising contracts with us. Therefore, in order to attract more viewers to the program and to avoid losing any further advertising revenues, we should restore the time devoted to weather and local news to its former level. Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.” The best approach to an “analyze an argument” question type is to determine your overall conclusion and make supporting statements in light of that. For example, here you first must determine what evidence is needed here. We could state that we would like to conduct research based on a sample population of the average watcher to determine whether there is actually a correlation between cancelled advertisements and the airtime of weather and local news. After stating this, discuss how this research would weaken or strengthen the argument of needing to increase air time of weather and local news. About the Author Dhara S. is one of MyGuru's experienced test prep tutors. For more information on GRE prep and tutors like Dhara, click here.

Beat the Summer Slide!

Beat the Summer Slide! First, you may be asking, what exactly is the summer slide? The latest playground instalment, perhaps? A new water park feature?   The Summer Slide is actually none of these things! It’s a term coined by educational psychologist Harris Cooper, who found that US schoolchildren regress in all subjects over the summer holidays, by an average of a month â€" a whopping 2.6 months in maths. How can you prevent this summer learning loss? It is important that the kids have some down time and RR, especially for those students who need time to catch their breath after the agony of June exams.  Just a few lessons of tutoring over the summer holidays can help students feel better prepared for the term ahead. Here are some tips for parents and tutors, to retain some learning over the summer.  1.      Make work fun Summer learning should be fun. Whether you’re educating your children yourself, or enlisting the help of or tutor, take the lessons outside the classroom and discover activities that your child will enjoy. Find out about next year’s curriculum; just hearing about a topic in advance helps pupils to learn it quickly in the classroom. Create a treasure hunt with subject-specific clues â€" this has the added advantage of keeping them occupied for some time, depending on how tricky the questions are.  2.            Riveting Reading Educational Psychologist Harris Cooper found that the poorest children lose the most reading skills, while those better off actually improved over the summer. The long summer break can be an opportunity for children to discover reading. Be inventive; even the most reluctant reader just needs the right trigger. For example many parents find their children enjoy using ebooks. You can buy affordable ebook readers, such as the kindle, that give your child access to reading material in a format that they are used to. You could try the Summer Reading Challenge, which rewards children with stickers and certificates, or the Reading Chest.  3.            Marvellous Maths Adapt recipe quantities while cooking to familiarise children with dividing, multiplying and using fractions. These questions crop up everywhere from primary school to GCSE Maths. Next time you’re begged for a trip to Thorpe Park, ask your child to calculate the cost for the whole family. For the cash-strapped parent, this might have benefits beyond maths practice! When your 6-year-old asks, again,  how long  till his best friend arrives: ask him to work out the time in hours and minutes (or days and hours, depending on how early the excitement starts to build…) Young children find time calculations a challenge, counting in a base of 60 instead of the normal 10s and 100s. Children are natural entrepreneurs: if it would be safe and you can keep an eye on them, a home-made lemonade stall requires plenty of maths practice. Just keep an eye on the recipe to make sure they produce something drinkable! Ask them to calculate the profit margin and hourly earnings - useful to know when employing a younger sibling… Puzzles like Kakuro and Calcudoku  are a god-send to get children doing the four main operations (+, -, x, ÷) really quickly. It’s amazing how much even teenagers can benefit!  4.            Whirlwind Writing Long car journey? As a pre-teen with 3 younger siblings,  I had a whole series of car-time tales  about Ruthy the rat who rode the tube around London with her ratty friends. Kill two birds with one stone: encouraging your children to pass the time telling stories develops their linguistic creativity as well as stopping them from pinching each other, kicking your seat and dropping banana skins down the driver’s neck (yes, I’m afraid we were that awful). You can offer a prize for the best story. Sign up to Creative Writing 4 Kids  ( £4.99/month) where children write their own online book for themselves and their friends. Postcards are also a cheap, appealing way of getting a child to pen a few lines to a friend.  5.            Super Science Normally forbidden, night-time activities have a special thrill. Take your child outside to see the next New Moon. Repeat every 7 days to see the whole cycle - or go more often to observe the gibbous and crescent moons. Check the moon phases and rising times. Take advantage of the British summer weather: after the next rain shower, draw chalk circles round a few puddles, to observe the water cycle. Even in our damp conditions, your child will see evaporation in action as the puddle shrinks. In the garden or park, ask your child to collect  small  (one leaf is good) samples from different plant species. Go over these samples together, discussing differences and similarities, and why one plant is classed as a different species from another. 6.       Find a tutor   Children are remarkably good at learning in different environments with different people, and if you can afford some extra help, a tutor could be just what they need to inject some educational fun into the holidays. This  doesn’t  mean someone who will sit at home forcing algebra over the kitchen table! Most tutors are, by now, as fed up of painful exam-cramming as you and your children, and will be only too happy to rediscover the joy of learning over summer. Some families even take a tutor away on holiday with them. While this will add considerably to the holiday’s price tag, it can be a fantastic way to keep up your childrens’ learning and physical activity, while you get to recover and relax over a cocktail… To find the right Tutor in your area search Tutorfair.

ALOHA Kids Gain Confidence - ALOHA Mind Math

ALOHA Kids Gain Confidence con ·fi ·dence ('kän-f?-dence) having or showing assurance and self-reliance Children have a very short span of attention and are often easily distracted. Boredom can take over, followed by low self-esteem and lack of confidence, if children are not given opportunities to succeed and be challenged. To build confidence within children here are a few options for parents. Understand your child’s disappointments.Reading and math intimidates many children. With proper techniques and guidance their confidence will soar. Capitalize on your child’s academic strengths.Start where they are most comfortable and perform with ease. Create activities your child enjoys and excels.Involve your child in fun and challenging curricular and non-curricular activities within their talent or interest. What do I do if my child feels stuck in math, science, or language arts? Our vision at ALOHA Mind Math http://www.alohamindmath.com is to empower students of all ages to grow and be a success. With the aid of our unique enrichment programs at ALOHA Mind Math help children from 5 years-old to 12 years-old can be the best they can be in all academic areas. It is important to build upon a child’s strengths and identify their weaknesses as early as possible. Intrinsic motivation decreases with age. “Math intimidates many children. (Our goal is) to remove the fear and build their confidence and self-esteem. They feel self-confident as they calculate numbersmentally with ease. The affect is reflected in their school work and…the rest of their life,” stated Ashwati Nayar of ALOHA Mind Math in Charlottesville, Virginia. The same process occurs with the reading curriculum. Our certified teachers make learning fun. Children work together in small groups, participating in interactive activities specifically designed to stimulate the mind. Through visualization and other techniques, students start with the current knowledge, gradually progressing towards advancing to solve more complex arithmetic problems mentally within a short time. In a study of the education system, United States students underperforms in math and science compared to their peers in Asia, according the 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Our research-based curriculum is designed to develop and engage both sides of the brain in the average or underachieving learners and gifted students. We find that children improve their focus, develop vital learning skills, study, and life skills, and advance their self confidence, and ultimately persevere in the face of adversity to go for their dreams. Discover the genius in your child. Like a muscle, confidence takes time to build up, but can be deflated or lost quickly. Children generally lose their confidence when they are unsure about something. Their difficulties in school may show as if they are incapable to focus or concentrate. If not dealt with this advances into frustration, disinterest in a particular subject or school, then eventually leading to anger and completely shutting down and putting up a wall. When children battle with their school work, whether its math, reading, and writing, they are essentially looking to adults to provide assistance. Confidence needs to be strengthened daily in school, critical to children’s success. Our objective is to assist kids feel comfortable with learning reading, math, and writing, build confidence within their class work, and help them acquire vital skills to excel throughout their education and career. If you wish to enhance your child’s natural talent to learn and advance their skills to exceed in their school and extracurricular activities, visit ALOHA Mind Math to locate the nearest center near you www.alohamindmath.com.

Busuu Review Where the Program Gets an A+ and What Could Be Better

Busuu Review Where the Program Gets an A+ and What Could Be Better Busuu Review: Where the Program Gets an A+ and What Could Be Better I knew zero Spanish when I moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Zero.  But, I learned to speak (semi-)comfortably and landed at a C1 (advanced) level within three months.Hows that?I love old-school learning. Im a sucker for elevating my reading and writing skills with  classic literature  on free book apps like BookMigo,  listening to self-help audiobooks on Audible  and journaling (okay, maybe not so old school).Yet, while those tools were fantastic as I learned a new language, I desperately needed verbal practice. I picked up the Spanish accent, street lingo and fluidity by speaking to friends I met while living in the city and through daily tasks like buying groceries.Its the combination of reading, writing, listening  and  speaking that creates the comprehensive learning experience needed to retain a new language.The problem? Its been hard to replicate that digitally.Luckily, language apps are very accessible and easy to use. But, far too often I see someone race through levels that only focus on one skill. Or, the app tells them theyre at an intermediate level but the learner cant answer a simple question out loud.Busuu is trying to change that. Its one of the newest language apps to join the list of interactive programs that incorporate all of the language skills.Below, Ive put together a comprehensive review of Busuu. Let’s dive in. Busuu Review: Where the Program Gets an A+ and What Could Be BetterWhat Is Busuu?Busuu is a paid language learning app.  More than other apps, Busuu encourages your speaking skills by helping you to practice the language out loud with its  speech recognition tool.The app also has a strong focus on listening to dialogues, and it gets you involved in other learners journeys.Although theres a free version, it limits you to just one language, and most of the learning is done through digital flashcards. Digital flashcards are a very popular style of learning within language apps because theyre interactive, entertaining and move q uickly, which makes you feel like youre progressing. However, learning just with flashcards isn’t exactly comprehensive (which is crucial to learning something as difficult as a brand new language).Most of the benefits of the Busuu app lie in its paid Premium option. Prices range depending on the subscription, but the cost can still be less than if you were to pay for private lessons at a school. Plus, theres a seven-day money-back guarantee so you can try out the paid version to see if its something that would work for you.Busuu has an easy-to-use interface for its desktop version but, of course, you can also download the app for your iOS and Android devices to get started. Whether youre tackling French, German, Spanish or something else, you can take these handheld language lessons with you on the go.Busuu also provides offline lessons so you can download some extra practice and take it with you anywhere, anytime.How Does Busuu Work?You first choose a level (Beginner A1, Element ary A2, Intermediate B1, Upper Intermediate B2).Then, if youre using the free version, start learning with their flashcard system, which has vocabulary that includes pictures accompanied by small dialogues. Its pretty cool to be introduced to dialogue, even if you choose a beginner level, so you can get speaking right away.You can also begin by choosing what youre interested in learning, such as business, travel or culture. For example, I got started with an A1 level French lesson for travel because Ill only ever need French when I go to France. My very first lesson included introductions between two French speakers and moved on to ordering food. Thats exactly what I would need while traveling, so the ability to choose tailored lessons is a good perk.If youve purchased the monthly subscription, youll now get access to advanced grammar lessons and tailored content. Once youve got some practice in, you can even start speaking to other native speakers who also use the Busuu app.Who Is Busuu For?Anyone willing to give this app a try can benefit from it, but itll work best for a few certain types of profiles.On-the-go professionals.  If youre a busy person with only 10 minutes at a time, you can set the app to bite-sized lessons according to your exact schedule.Anyone who loves interactive apps.  The free version is fun and makes learning some simple phrases and words easy, so you can replace a mindless game with Busuu and not feel bored.Language learners who want some accountability.  You can set reminders during specific moments in your schedule that youve set aside for learning. These reminders are helpful without being too pushy.Anyone who wants to get better at speaking.  If you dont want to simply memorize grammar but you dont have access to a native speaker or youre too shy to speak with an online teacher, you can still get speaking practice by using Busuus speech recognition tool.For those who prefer learning on their computer.  Busuu has developed desktop learning, not just focusing on their apps. It has an excellent keyboard control system so you can easily move through lessons while at your computer.Where Busuu WinsCreate a Study Plan Thats Relevant to Your LifeYou get to choose grammar lessons based on your language goal (e.g., Complete French, French for Business, French for Travel, etc.). Other apps and even in-person classes rely on cringe-worthy content like “the apple is red” and Juanita is a woman to teach you grammar. Snooze.Any polyglot will tell you  that the content you learn should be relevant to your life and be filled with phrases you can actually use when speaking to someone.Busuu uses lessons ranging from What Are You Up to Tonight? to A Day at Home for general learning. A business study plan has lessons like Talking with Your Colleagues and Managing a Project. I give Busuu an A+ for providing hyper-relevant content in each lesson.On top of that, you can also choose which days and at what hour you want Busuu to ping you to learn. For example, you can set the app to remind you to study every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m. with a 15-minute lesson. This ensures that you always have time for language learning!Learn Cultural TipsTell me, how many times have you said something you learned in your high school language class to a native speaker only to have this exchange with them:Native speaker: No, we dont say it like that.You: But thats what I learned in class.Native speaker: Well, we dont say that.Oops.  Textbooks and classes sometimes teach us formal, often outdated language.For instance, while practicing “hello” is very useful while learning English, we know that native English speakers hardly use it, as we have many variations for greeting someone during the day (hi, hiya, hey, etc.).Busuu understands this and offers useful cultural tips that help you learn when to say something and how to use it appropriately.For example, my beginner lesson in French told me, “To greet people during the day, we use bonjour  (good day, hello). After sunset (usually between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m.) we say bonsoir  (good evening).”Busuu offers tons of cultural tips (click on the lightbulb icon on each slide), so you can, as they say, avoid missteps while communicating.Build a Social CommunityBusuu has an entire tab dedicated to getting social on the app. You can find people who are native in your target language, which the app calls friends, and add them. The point of this is to be able to exchange messages with your new friends for them to review.Heres how that works: the app presents you with a small prompt, like a picture or a video, about which you can either write or speak. Your friends within the app and anyone within the app in your target language can reply to your written or verbal response to give you feedback! In my experience, they typically encourage you to write complete sentences and tell you how you can improve.Along the same line, youll start receiving message s from people in the app learning your native language, so you also have the chance to respond to their written or verbal responses. Its fun to give them a helping hand!Where Busuu Needs ImprovementLimited Language OptionsThere arent many languages available, and you only get to learn one in the free version. You must upgrade to get access to more than one language. That’s a bummer for people like me who want to learn French and Portuguese at the same time.At this time, Busuu currently only offers the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, English, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish.Could Use More EntertainmentWhile I think their digital flashcards arent bad, this type of memorization makes it very easy to answer correctly without actually internalizing the language. Its easy to be lazy and quickly choose the correct answer using the process of elimination, like in an exam.Plus, after a while, this method may get tedious. While the r elevancy of Busuus lessons is great (general learning, business, travel, etc.), the app could better cater to people who like to learn with a bit more entertainmentâ€"you know, the many people who like to  learn through Netflix or listen to music.If thats more your learning style, then you may want to consider a different app, like FluentU.FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into language learning experiences. The authentic videos feature native speakers, so you not only get pure entertainment but also language immersion.Plus, with FluentUs interactive subtitles, you can click on any word in a video to learn more about it and see it used in example sentences and other videos.There are also fun quizzes to test your knowledge and keep you entertained!You Can Receive Incorrect CorrectionsWhile Busuus social aspect is one of the best features that makes this app stand out, theres also nothing stopping people who arent native German speakers from correcting your German verbal recording, for example. All that person needs to do is include German in their profiles list of languages I know. This means that non-native English speakers can correct those learning English, and so on.The lack of strictness here downgrades what could arguably be Busuus best feature.On top of that, I see that most people opt to write their social responses as opposed to speaking them. It seems that many people on the app are still too shy to utilize the speech recognition tool, and thats a shame.Busuu Review Conclusion: Upgrade to Premium for the Best ExperienceAt the end of the day, I recommend Busuus paid version if youre serious about learning. The free version is fun, but there are better free apps out there.Busuu gains major points for trying harder than most to get you to practice speakingâ€"and speaking like a nativeâ€"although some improvements can still be made in that aspect.If you want a downloadable app wi th offline availability and interactive lessons, I recommend giving the paid subscription a chance. Just make sure your target language is available in their lesson bank first.And, be sure to make the most out of the social features by speaking, speaking, speaking at every chance you get!